The Biz Plan Company welcomes you!
Our goal is to exceed our clients' expectation by providing a winning "price-to-value" proposition for them..
By using innovative planning systems, in-depth research and creative business design that we get from "real world customers" who are implementing our plans, the result? The highest quality planning work you will find - anywhere...
Check out our pricing. We challenge you to find the same quality and depth of research and planning, for twice the price. (trust us... we've seen competing plans priced 200% to 400% of what we charge... it's not pretty!).
Step 1:
The first thing you need to do is "SIGN UP".
You can do this directly using the "Signup" form, or by clicking the "Start A New Plan". If you may become a "repeat customer" then please take the time to fill-in the "Signup" form first, then click the "Start A New Plan" button. After pressing the button, you will see the 6 Plan types again, as you complete Step 2.
Step 2
In Step 2, you will choose the Plan Type to get an estimate of the cost. Our estimates are accurate 9 out of 10 times. If there is an additional cost, you will approve it before we do the extra work... You can always decide to 'not have the extra work done', to keep the cost down. This is also the longest step, where you enter the initial Client Data.
Step 3
After you complete Step 2, our team will review your submission, and confirm the price, sending you a Deposit Payment Request. We require 50% of the agreed-to price prior to starting. Once the payment clears our work begins. Without external delays, in 10 business days you will have a Draft to review and request edits from. Once the edits are completed, you will get a "Final Payment Request". Once payment clears, you will receive the electronic "un-watermarked" version of the plan you approved.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels
Boutique Plan
A "Boutique Plan" is for a specialized business that is small and creates its "Market Niche" based on the reputation and/or skill of the owner or main practitioner. Examples include a Jewelry Boutique, Art Boutique, Leather or Clothing Boutique, etc. This category can also encompass those who are selling a Sport, Music, Artisan, or Culturally-Specific craft or product.

Photo by Kokil Sharma from Pexels
Retail Plan
A "Retail Plan" deals with a business that is not as specialized as a "Boutique". Typically, the product being introduced and sold is not hand-crafted, but is instead sourced through wholesalers or direct manufacturers. Examples could include a Jewelry Store (selling mass manufactured Jewelry), an Electronics or Accessory Store, or a Video Alarm Monitoring & Home Automation Store.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels
Franchise Plan
A "Franchise Plan" deals with a business that is buying a "System". Think of a Chain Restaurant where you recognize the logo everywhere. This can be a great way to start a business, due to the systems and manuals you get, if you have the capital required. These plans are more demanding and inflexible than a Retail Plan, since the specifications of the Franchisor must be adhered to.

Photo by Kateryna Babaieva from Pexels
Manufacturing Plan
A "Manufacturing Plan" deals with a company that will be making, fabricating or creating "mass produced" products. The expense of Capital Infrastructure, Inventories and Employees will be part of this plan. Factors such as "Property Zoning", "Licensing", "Regulatory Agencies" could all be factors. This business usually produces a product and then sells & ships it to either Wholesale Distributors (B2B) or to Retail Stores.

Photo by from Pexels
Services / Professional / Consultant Plan
A "Services / Professional / Consultant Plan" deals with an individual who is Highly Trained and/or Educated. This could be in the Health Care, Business, Legal, Accounting, Engineering, or Sciences Fields. These businesses usually have small staff levels, and rely on forging professional relationships within groups specific to an Industry or Professional Area.

Photo by from Pexels
Wholesale / Import / Export Plan
A "Wholesale / Import / Export Plan Plan" deals with a business that is selling to other businesses (B2B), although today many will also have a Retail Outlet attached to their Wholesale operation. These businesses can also be "Solution Providers" where they wholesale distribute a product line, but also supply the expertise (Engineering / Electrical / etc.) needed to install the product for the consumer.